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  • February 07, 2018 1 min read


    Looks like Calgary is going to get hit with yet another massive snowfall…some saying nearly a foot today! But don’t fret, you’ve still got time to pop into your favorite brew pub to fill up your CanKeg so you can enjoy delicious, fresh beer from the comfort (and warmth!) of inside! We got ourselves prepared by stopping by Dandy, Banded Peak, Tool Shed and Cold Garden to fill up 2 stubbys and 2 tall boys to take home.

    Equipped with 6 growlers worth of beer we’re ready to hunker down for a couple of days and not have to venture back out until this cold snap is over!

    With Balzac Billy (our local groundhog) saying we're in for an early spring now is the time to get out there and enjoy some awesome winter activities while you can!  


    5 Winter Activities Perfect For A CanKeg: 

    1. Skiing/Snowboarding - 14 Ski Resorts Close to Calgary 
    2. A game of shinny  - Shinny Calgary 
    3. Ice Fishing  - Ice fishing around Calgary 
    4. Snowshoeing - Calgary Ski Club 
    5. Binge watching Netflix - 50 Best Shows to Binge Watch 


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